About Me
My name is Paulo Griiettner from Brazil, currently living in USA, passionate for Jesus, my wife (Miva) and kids (Geovanna and Kevin).
I am Professional Front End Developer that started to work in the business around 1998... yes... you got that right... I am considered among my fellows as dinosaur, because I started way back when the industry was still crawling its way out to become a career. This happen for an accident, after working to a travel agency and the owner wanted a website for his company and it was hard to find a professional around and by curiosity, I took the challenge. After the website was done, some other people started to enquire me for websites for their companies and... you know the rest... I became what I am today.
Around the year 2000 I got in contact with my first CMS, called PHPNuke, but my experience was not great... 4 years later, I learned about Mambo from a client that needed a database driven website and told me to see if I could take a project. My first project with Mambo was not great, but it was a good start to get going and eventually, Mambo became Joomla, due to fork that happened in 2005. Ever since I am working with Joomla in about 90% of the project I am involved with.
In 2012 I was one of the Board Members of Open Source Matters, the organization behind Joomla Project.
Recently I started to learn Wordpress as well and was able to deliver some project to clients and I believe it is great this interaction between the 2 most used CMS's in the planet and I am learning a lot from this experience.
What I like most on my job, is to work with Front End Development. I was earlier adopter of HTML5/CSS3, giving speech on tech events and bringing the news to my fellows developers. As well, I was earlier adopter of Responsive Design, having my speech, about the subject, being featured on the biggest international Joomla event, J and Beyond.
Currenltly, I'm dedicating more time learning and working with JavaScript based platforms, such as AngularJS or MeteorJS
I participate as Speaker or attendee in many tech events around the world, such as Campus Party - Brazil, Latino Ware - Brazil (speaker), J and Beyond 2011 - Netherland, J and Beyond 2012 - Germany (speaker), Algeria 2.0 - Algeria (speaker) and more.